
My name is Jonah Orion Wheeler. I was born in Keene, New Hampshire on the first of March, 2003. I grew up all across New Hampshire, moving every few months in my childhood. Beginning in Jaffrey, where my family originates, and ending up in Peterborough. Living in many of our State's beautiful towns in between, with brief stints in the Seattle area and Maine.
I went to many schools during my primary education, but was educated in the Peterborough Public School system from halfway through the second grade to graduation at ConVal High School.
​It was an unconventional, eye-opening, and exciting childhood. Which prepared me for these unconventional, eye-opening, exciting times. The State did nothing when companies such as Saint Gobain poisioned our waterways; and are still dragging their feet to cleanup the damage. The State continues to kick the education funding can down the road, which is straining municipal budgets - raising property taxes and pricing people out of their homes. Right now, this is a government of, by, and for the corporations. I ran for the legislature because this government must be a Republic of, by, and for the people.
The State Government feels untouchable. People don't see the path by which to address their grievances. Many do not know that every hearing in the legislature is open to the public, but even then, people wonder whether they will actually be heard by their Representatives. For so long their pleas for change have gone unheaded. No reasonable person could blame another for feeling as though the government is untouchable. It is the job of the elected leaders in the building to open the building back up to the people. To call in the input of their district. Good decisions can only be made if everyone impacted has a chance to have their input heard.
I could either sit back and opine about how that was far from the reality - or I could put myself out in my community to see if they agreed. They did, and I have had the honor of serving Hillsborough County's 33rd district since 2022. The campaign showed me that people were ready for a government that works for them - not against them. People shared stories about how good their education was and how they wanted to make sure everyone had that same chance at a good education. They spoke about the enviroment and how they want it to be clean for generations to come. People opened up about how they were being priced out of the home their family built, and how they wanted to ensure they could make sure it was there for the next generation.
Too many said that they never had someone from the government come and ask them what they would like to see from the State. It's not the people who have failed the State, it's the leaders. When people stand up and say enough, change can happen. My election and my service over the last year has proven that for me. This is still a State where an idealist nineteen-year old can present a vision to his community, and get elected to the State Legislature to serve out that vision in Concord. Change is still possible if we make it possible.
I served on the Criminal Justice and Public Safety committee for the 22-24 biennium. For the 24-26 biennium I was moved to the Environment and Agriculture committee. You can learn more about my committee placements and the committees themselves in the committee tab in the about section on the website.
Everytime I enter the Capitol, I am taken aback by the privilege it is to represent my district in Concord. Thank you for the honor of serving in the New Hampshire House for another term. I will wake up everyday to live up to the privilege I have been given for these next two years.
Jonah Orion Wheeler